Cleanroom Manufacturing in Woburn, MA
In-house tooling, rapid prototyping and state-of-the-art quality assurance ensure the lowest leadtimes, highest quality while supporting design flexibility and quick turnaround to help our customers grow.

Cleanroom Manufacturing in Woburn, MA
In-house tooling, rapid prototyping and state-of-the-art quality assurance ensure the lowest leadtimes, highest quality while supporting design flexibility and quick turnaround to help our customers grow.

Cleanroom Manufacturing in Woburn, MA
In-house tooling, rapid prototyping and state-of-the-art quality assurance ensure the lowest leadtimes, highest quality while supporting design flexibility and quick turnaround to help our customers grow.

commitment to advancing LED lighting technology.
Our multidisciplinary team is available to help
transform ideas into inspiring products.
bring their vision to reality